Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Up To Date
Until then, got to get back to work..
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Cooking Techniques 101

Monday, September 15, 2008
Fruit Desserts: A Health-Wise Treat

You can find lots of fruit dessert recipes online. Fruit desserts come in what seem to be countless variations. Some of them are quite simple while some are grand. The best thing about them is that no matter how they are prepared or presented, fruit desserts are divine. Below is an excerpt of an article about fruit desserts. I'm sure you'll enjoy reading it:
"Dessert is the course usually served at the end of a sumptuous meal, or simply referred to as the last course. Normally, desserts are commonly sweets or strongly flavored goodies like cheeses, for instance. “Dessert” originated from the French word, “desservir,” which means, “to clear off the table.” Cakes, pastries, ice cream, candies, cookies and fruits are the popular desserts served in almost every banquet and meal.
Among the assorted desserts worldwide, fruits are the healthiest. Though the other kinds can be made healthy in their own right. Fruit desserts are beginning to be more and more popular as different menu are ceaseless these days. Restaurants, hotels and any other food establishments, as well as in any gathering and catering services are each incorporating their own version of fruit desserts. Indeed, there are lots of fruit desserts creations anyone can even try at home."
Full story.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Not Your Usual Pasta
For my friends that are not too keen on eating meat, seafood pasta would do be just fine. As you have guessed, the main ingredient is of course, seafood. For those who are willing to make this kind of not-your-usual pasta, any kind of seafood will do, just make sure that to inform your friends the type of seafood that you made with the pasta to prevent unwanted allergic episodes. Another type of not-your-usual pasta dish that I have learned is the spicy pasta. Yep, you heard me right. Spicy pasta would surely be a hit to those who love eating with added heat (hehehe.. sorry, couldn't resist). All you have to do in creating this spicy pasta is add some hot sauce and more spices.
The great thing about pasta dishes is that you can cook them the way your palate prefers. To tickle your palate a bit, here is an excerpt of an article about the not-your-usual pasta dish:
"Aren’t you tired of preparing the same ol’ pasta dishes? Spaghetti, rigatoni, macaroni and cheese, these are the common pasta dishes that the lot of pasta lovers has been preparing over time. Sure, these dishes are superb and very tasty. But there is actually something that you can do to spice up these ordinary dishes. And one such way is by dishing up a pasta salad. Here comes the matter of ingredients to include in your pasta salad. The great thing about preparing a pasta salad is that just about anything can be included! Just go through your refrigerator and your cupboard for you will surely find a lot of ingredients that you can include for your dish. Just to name a few, here are some ideal ingredients that you can use."
To read more just click here.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Coffee Flavored Gourmet

"Coffee is the main ingredient, as expected. Thus, it would be one of the factors here. The underlying concept here would be the type of bean that is used to make the flavored coffee. It is actually the type of bean that would influence the taste of flavored coffee. In general, coffee beans are comprised of just about 800 different compounds. These different compounds influence the flavor of your coffee as well. Other factors that influence flavor are sugar, mineral salts, aromatic oils, carbohydrates, organic acids, and methylxanthines. Caffeine actually belongs to the class of methylxanthines."
If you want to read the full article, just click here.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
How To Cook Perfect Pasta

Cooking pasta is done in two categories (you guessed it right, the noodles and the sauce). If one of the two is not done properly, then rest assured that that pasta is a disaster. Basically, the secret in cooking the perfect pasta is that you must cook the sauce and noodles properly. Here's a little appetizer on how to cook perfect pasta that I have read:
"Cook the pasta in a pot that is large enough to allow you to stir the noodles around in the water easily. If the pot is too small it will not hold enough water to cook the pasta, which will leave the noodles sticking to the pot. The pasta may also end up getting burned......"
To read more about the article, just click here.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Making The Perfect Cup Of Coffee

"The mega success of the Starbucks franchise just shows how incredibly popular coffee is. In fact, it is one of the few foods or drinks that many people cannot live without. You probably know a number of people who cannot start the day without their cup of coffee. You may actually be one of these people."
If you want to read more just click here.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Food and Wine

"Pairing food with wine is a common problem among many people. However, not a lot of people realize that wine and food generally work together, only that there are a few combinations that just does not work and that individual tastes just differ. Here is your guide to knowing which wines go well with different types of food as well those that do not."
Hope you'll enjoy the read like I did. Drink moderately! (sorry, couldn't resist, hehehe...)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Crockpot: One of the Best Cooking Secrets of All Time

For those who still are not aware of these wondrous cooking appliance, check this article out. The said article is quite helpful if you want to know what a crockpot is. I also recommend the article for those who constantly use them. Like what i usually do with all my posts, here is a bit of the said article:
"Do you have someone in your household who loves to cook? If you do have an inspiring chef or chef-to-be, you might have noticed her using a piece of kitchen equipment that resembles a pot but with layers inside.
Oh, I forgot to mention, crockpots are known by some as a "slow cooker".
Black or White: Which Type of Chocolate Would You Prefer?

If you want to know more about white and dark chocolates, I strongly suggest that you read on this article. The said article contains bits and interesting stuff about white and dark chocolates. Here is an excerpt of the mention article:
"One of the best tasting foods in the world is chocolate. The history of chocolate started out as a bitter drink made out grounded cocoa seeds. This drink, called choclatl by ancient Aztecs, was special and sacred to these people."
If you want to read more about the said article just click here. Until then, all this stuff about chocolates made me crave for one. Yumm.. Yumm..
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Healthy Food Alternatives For A Healthy Body

A lot of ways exist to have a healthy body—a healthy lifestyle, adequate rest, regular exercise. Of course, partaking in healthy food plays a major role in the quest for good health.
Many of our foods today harm our body. They contain substances that poison our systems, foul our organs, or make us weak or vulnerable to diseases. Ironically, the problem rests in the fact that some of these food items taste really good. Hardly anyone can resist a slab of juicy pork steak, a bottle of cold bear, or a large bag of crunch potato chips.
Fortunately, there are healthy food alternatives available. Contrary to belief, these healthy food alternatives are as delicious as their nonhealthy counterparts. If eaten constantly, one palate would become used to these healthy food alternatives.
A perfect example of a healthy food alternative is the soybean. Soybean contains natural fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and lecithin. Soybean is notably a healthy source of natural protein because unlike meat, it does not uric acid.
Meat might contain a lot of protein, but the uric acid in it can cause arthritis. Also, meat is also notorious for virulent strains of bacteria such as E.coli. E.coli can cause gastrointestinal diseases such as gastroenterisis, urinary track infection, or neonatal meningitis.
Another healthy food is the avocado. Avocado is a very healthy fruit because it contains a lot of vitamins A, B, and C, and plenty of mineral salts. For those who want to need foods with high caloric value (i.e., those who are very active in sports), an avocado is one of the best choices. A pound of avocado yields 385 calories.
Lemon or orange juice is also a very good health food alternative. In fact, research shows that lemons and oranges have vitamins, minerals, and other curative substances that can cure about 150 diseases.
Due to these properties, lemons are great healthy food alternatives to harmful beverages such as beer, rum, or whiskey. It is even better than commercial powdered or canned juice; these products contain preservatives and synthetic ingredients that can be harmful to the body. Furthermore, natural lemon or orange juice tastes much better than their artificial counterparts.
Tea made from herbs and leaves are healthy drinks. All teas have a great taste. All can cleanse and refresh the body. Therefore, teas are good substitutes for coffee which contains caffeine, an addictive stimulant. Since teas contain only natural ingredients, they are better than softdrinks and heavily advertised power or energy drinks.
Instead of eating potato chips or french fries for snacks or appetizers, why not try apple and carrot sticks? These are as crunchy as their unhealthy counterparts. Apple sticks are much more wholesome and pack a lot of vitamins and minerals. Carrot sticks contain vitamin A which improves eyesight. Carrot sticks are also considered as blood purifiers, expelling uric acid and other harmful substances from the bloodstream.
To sweeten milk or fruit juices, we usually use sugar. However, sugar can ferment once it reacts with the chemicals in milk, fruits, or the body’s digestive juices. A better healthy food alternative would be honey. Honey is a mild sweetener and won’t irritate the stomach. Furthermore, they have medicinal values. People have used them as laxatives and even poultices (Poultices are soft, usually heated, masses that are spread on cloth and applied to sores, wounds, or other lesions).
There are many more healthy food alternatives. You can research on them through websites and health books.
Food and Drinks: An Introduction

Furthermore the interface of the "Food and Drinks" site is quite simple (unlike other sites with the same topic that is full of advertisements and pop-ups). Anyways, here is a short excerpt for pasta lovers out there. The article is entitled Pasta: Going Beyond The Usual.

If you want to read more just click here and if you want to read more interesting stuff, I strongly advice that you go and visit the site.